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Ranger’s Apprentice: The Royal Ranger 1-4 Slipcase

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Ranger’s Apprentice: The Royal Ranger 1-4 Slipcase

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John Flanagan makes a spectacular return to the world of Ranger’s Apprentice but what has happened since you last saw Will and his friends might shock you.

This collection includes the first four exciting books in the series.

This product features:

  • Slipcase collection of four books


Ranger’s Apprentice: The Royal Ranger 1-4 Slipcase


Genre Children’s Fiction
Number of Pages Book 1: 480
Book 2: 384
Book 3: 336
Book 4: 304
Author John Flanagan
Publisher Penguin Random House
ISBN 9781761044182
Manufactured In Australia
Product Dimensions Product: W 203 x H 133 x D 102 mm
Product Weight Product: 1.16 kg




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